PrimePCR™ SYBR® Green Assay: COX11, Human

PrimePCR Primer Assays for Real-Time PCR oligo primer pair tube for SYBR Green gene expression

Real-time PCR primer assay designed for SYBR® Green gene expression analysis.

Info:   Same primer pair as used in probe assay qHsaCEP0025887

List Price:    $179.00
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Assay Information

Technology:   qPCR
Assay Type:   SYBR® Green
Application:   Gene Expression
Unique Assay ID:   qHsaCED0004875
Assay Design:   Exonic
Chromosome Location:   17:53045876-53046004question
Amplicon Length:   99
Splice Variants Targeted:   ENST00000299335

Gene Information

Cytochrome c oxidase (COX) the terminal component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain catalyzes the electron transfer from reduced cytochrome c to oxygen. This component is a heteromeric complex consisting of 3 catalytic subunits encoded by mitochondrial genes and multiple structural subunits encoded by nuclear genes. The mitochondrially-encoded subunits function in electron transfer and the nuclear-encoded subunits may function in the regulation and assembly of the complex. This nuclear gene encodes a protein which is not a structural subunit but may be a heme A biosynthetic enzyme involved in COX formation according to the yeast mutant studies. However the studies in Rhodobacter sphaeroides suggest that this gene is not required for heme A biosynthesis but required for stable formation of the Cu(B) and magnesium centers of COX. This human protein is predicted to contain a transmembrane domain localized in the mitochondrial inner membrane. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. A related pseudogene has been found on chromosome 6. [provided by RefSeq Jun 2009]

Gene Symbol:   COX11
Gene Name:   COX11 cytochrome c oxidase assembly homolog (yeast)
Aliases:   COX11P
RefSeq:   NC_000017.10 NT_010783.15
Ensembl:   ENSG00000166260
Entrez:   1353
Chromosome Mapping:   17q22

The below validation information is for the Primer Pair only   Download Validation Data (.pdf)

Products used to generate validation data:

Real-Time PCR Instrument CFX384 Real-Time PCR Detection System
Reverse Transcription Reagent iScript™ Advanced cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR
Real-Time PCR Supermix SsoAdvanced™ SYBR® Green Supermix
Experimental Sample qPCR Human Reference Total RNA

Summary Data:

R2 0.999300
y-intercept 34.410000
Efficiency 99

Amplification Plot
Amplification of cDNA generated from universal RNA.

Amplification of cDNA generated from universal RNA.

Melt Peak
Melt curve analysis of above amplification.

Melt curve analysis of above amplification.

Standard Curve
Standard curve generated using 20 million copies of template diluted 10 fold to 20 copies.

Standard curve generated using 20 million copies of template diluted 10 fold to 20 copies.

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