PrimePCR™ SYBR® Green Assay: CEACAM1, Human

PrimePCR Primer Assays for Real-Time PCR oligo primer pair tube for SYBR Green gene expression

Real-time PCR primer assay designed for SYBR® Green gene expression analysis.

List Price:    $179.00
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Assay Information

Technology:   qPCR
Assay Type:   SYBR® Green
Application:   Gene Expression
Unique Assay ID:   qHsaCED0033913
Assay Design:   Exonic
Chromosome Location:   19:43025459-43025572question
Amplicon Length:   84

Gene Information

This gene encodes a member of the carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) gene family which belongs to the immunoglobulin superfamily. Two subgroups of the CEA family the CEA cell adhesion molecules and the pregnancy-specific glycoproteins are located within a 1.2 Mb cluster on the long arm of chromosome 19. Eleven pseudogenes of the CEA cell adhesion molecule subgroup are also found in the cluster. The encoded protein was originally described in bile ducts of liver as biliary glycoprotein. Subsequently it was found to be a cell-cell adhesion molecule detected on leukocytes epithelia and endothelia. The encoded protein mediates cell adhesion via homophilic as well as heterophilic binding to other proteins of the subgroup. Multiple cellular activities have been attributed to the encoded protein including roles in the differentiation and arrangement of tissue three-dimensional structure angiogenesis apoptosis tumor suppression metastasis and the modulation of innate and adaptive immune responses. Multiple transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been reported but the full-length nature of all variants has not been defined. [provided by RefSeq May 2010]

Gene Symbol:   CEACAM1
Gene Name:   carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (biliary glycoprotein)
Aliases:   BGP, BGP1, BGPI
RefSeq:   NC_000019.9 NT_011109.16
Ensembl:   ENSG00000079385
Entrez:   634
Chromosome Mapping:   19q13.2

The below validation information is for the Primer Pair only   Download Validation Data (.pdf)

Products used to generate validation data:

Real-Time PCR Instrument CFX384 Real-Time PCR Detection System
Reverse Transcription Reagent iScript™ Advanced cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR
Real-Time PCR Supermix SsoAdvanced™ SYBR® Green Supermix
Experimental Sample qPCR Human Reference Total RNA

Summary Data:

R2 0.999700
y-intercept 35.440000
Efficiency 95

Amplification Plot
Amplification of cDNA generated from universal RNA.

Amplification of cDNA generated from universal RNA.

Melt Peak
Melt curve analysis of above amplification.

Melt curve analysis of above amplification.

Standard Curve
Standard curve generated using 20 million copies of template diluted 10 fold to 20 copies.

Standard curve generated using 20 million copies of template diluted 10 fold to 20 copies.

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