PrimePCR™ SYBR® Green Assay: CD209, Human

PrimePCR Primer Assays for Real-Time PCR oligo primer pair tube for SYBR Green gene expression

Real-time PCR primer assay designed for SYBR® Green gene expression analysis.

Info:   Recommended - best negative control; Same primer pair as used in probe assay qHsaCEP0049877

List Price:    $179.00
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Assay Information

Technology:   qPCR
Assay Type:   SYBR® Green
Application:   Gene Expression
Unique Assay ID:   qHsaCED0042615
Assay Design:   exonic
Chromosome Location:   19:7807949-7808044question
Amplicon Length:   66
Splice Variants Targeted:   ENST00000315599 ENST00000394173 ENST00000593660 ENST00000601951 ENST00000354397 ENST00000593821 ENST00000602261 ENST00000315591 ENST00000394161 ENST00000204801 ENST00000301357

Gene Information

This gene encodes a transmembrane receptor and is often referred to as DC-SIGN because of its expression on the surface of dendritic cells and macrophages. The encoded protein is involved in the innate immune system and recognizes numerous evolutionarily divergent pathogens ranging from parasites to viruses with a large impact on public health. The protein is organized into three distinct domains: an N-terminal transmembrane domain a tandem-repeat neck domain and C-type lectin carbohydrate recognition domain. The extracellular region consisting of the C-type lectin and neck domains has a dual function as a pathogen recognition receptor and a cell adhesion receptor by binding carbohydrate ligands on the surface of microbes and endogenous cells. The neck region is important for homo-oligomerization which allows the receptor to bind multivalent ligands with high avidity. Variations in the number of 23 amino acid repeats in the neck domain of this protein are rare but have a significant impact on ligand binding ability. This gene is closely related in terms of both sequence and function to a neighboring gene (GeneID 10332; often referred to as L-SIGN). DC-SIGN and L-SIGN differ in their ligand-binding properties and distribution. Alternative splicing results in multiple variants.[provided by RefSeq Feb 2009]

Gene Symbol:   CD209
Gene Name:   CD209 molecule
Aliases:   CDSIGN, CLEC4L, DC-SIGN, DC-SIGN1, MGC129965
RefSeq:   NC_000019.9 NT_077812.2 NG_012167.1
Ensembl:   ENSG00000090659
Entrez:   30835
Chromosome Mapping:   19p13

The below validation information is for the Primer Pair only   Download Validation Data (.pdf)

Products used to generate validation data:

Real-Time PCR Instrument CFX384 Real-Time PCR Detection System
Reverse Transcription Reagent iScript™ Advanced cDNA Synthesis Kit for RT-qPCR
Real-Time PCR Supermix SsoAdvanced™ Universal SYBR® Green Supermix
Experimental Sample qPCR Human Reference Total RNA

Summary Data:

R2 0.999300
y-intercept 35.650000
Efficiency 100

Amplification Plot
Amplification of cDNA generated from universal RNA.

Amplification of cDNA generated from universal RNA.

Melt Peak
Melt curve analysis of above amplification.

Melt curve analysis of above amplification.

Standard Curve
Standard curve generated using 20 million copies of template diluted 10 fold to 20 copies.

Standard curve generated using 20 million copies of template diluted 10 fold to 20 copies.

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