PrimePCR™ SYBR® Green Assay: EFNB3, Human

PrimePCR Primer Assays for Real-Time PCR oligo primer pair tube for SYBR Green gene expression

Real-time PCR primer assay designed for SYBR® Green gene expression analysis.

Info:   Same primer pair as used in probe assay qHsaCIP0031261

List Price:    $179.00
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Wet Lab Validated

Assay Information

Technology:   qPCR
Assay Type:   SYBR® Green
Application:   Gene Expression
Unique Assay ID:   qHsaCID0017461
Assay Design:   Intron-spanning
Chromosome Location:   17:7609016-7611428question
Amplicon Length:   146
Splice Variants Targeted:   ENST00000226091

Gene Information

EFNB3 a member of the ephrin gene family is important in brain development as well as in its maintenance. Moreover since levels of EFNB3 expression were particularly high in several forebrain subregions compared to other brain subregions it may play a pivotal role in forebrain function. The EPH and EPH-related receptors comprise the largest subfamily of receptor protein-tyrosine kinases and have been implicated in mediating developmental events particularly in the nervous system. EPH Receptors typically have a single kinase domain and an extracellular region containing a Cys-rich domain and 2 fibronectin type III repeats. The ephrin ligands and receptors have been named by the Eph Nomenclature Committee (1997). Based on their structures and sequence relationships ephrins are divided into the ephrin-A (EFNA) class which are anchored to the membrane by a glycosylphosphatidylinositol linkage and the ephrin-B (EFNB) class which are transmembrane proteins. The Eph family of receptors are similarly divided into 2 groups based on the similarity of their extracellular domain sequences and their affinities for binding ephrin-A and ephrin-B ligands. [provided by RefSeq Jul 2008]

Gene Symbol:   EFNB3
Gene Name:   ephrin-B3
Aliases:   EFL6, EPLG8, LERK8
RefSeq:   NC_000017.10 NT_010718.16
Ensembl:   ENSG00000108947
Entrez:   1949
Chromosome Mapping:   17p13.1

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