Gene:  RRBP1, Human

PrimePCR Primer Assays for Real-Time PCR oligo primer pair gene expression assay target

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This gene encodes a ribosome-binding protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. Studies suggest that this gene plays a role in ER proliferation secretory pathways and secretory cell differentiation and mediation of ER-microtubule interactions. Alternative splicing has been observed and protein isoforms are characterized by regions of N-terminal decapeptide and C-terminal heptad repeats. Splicing of the tandem repeats results in variations in ribosome-binding affinity and secretory function. The full-length nature of variants which differ in repeat length has not been determined. Pseudogenes of this gene have been identified on chromosomes 3 and 7 and RRBP1 has been excluded as a candidate gene in the cause of Alagille syndrome the result of a mutation in a nearby gene on chromosome 20p12. [provided by RefSeq Apr 2012]

PrimePCR™ SYBR® Green Assay: RRBP1, Human
ribosome binding protein 1 homolog 180kDa (dog)

Assay Type: SYBR® Green
Assay Design: Intron-spanning
Application: Gene Expression
Unique Assay ID: qHsaCID0014961
Info:   Same primer pair as used in probe assay qHsaCIP0029628
List Price:    $179.00
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PrimePCR™ Probe Assay: RRBP1, Human
ribosome binding protein 1 homolog 180kDa (dog)

Assay Type: Probe
Assay Design: Intron-spanning
Application: Gene Expression
Unique Assay ID: qHsaCIP0029628
List Price:    $263.00
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