Life Science Research
PCR Amplification
PrimePCR™ PCR Primers, Assays, and Arrays
PrimePCR Pathways
Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis
Cystic fibrosis panel
Bacterial infections in CF airways
Beta-2 adrenergic-dependent CFTR expression
CFTR folding and maturation (norm and CF)
CFTR translational fidelity (class I mutations)
CFTR-dependent regulation of ion channels in airway epithelium (norm and CF)
Cholesterol and sphingolipids transport - Distribution to the intracellular membrane compartments (normal and CF)
Cholesterol and sphingolipids transport - Generic schema (normal and CF)
Cholesterol and sphingolipids transport - Influx to the early endosome in lung (normal and CF)
Cholesterol and sphingolipids transport - Recycling to plasma membrane in lung (normal and CF)
Cholesterol and sphingolipids transport - Transport from golgi and ER to the apical membrane (normal and CF)
Cytokine production by Th17 cells in CF
Cytokine production by Th17 cells in CF (mouse model)
Delta508-CFTR traffic - ER-to-golgi in CF
Delta508-CFTR traffic - Sorting endosome formation in CF
IL-1 beta-dependent CFTR expression
Immune response - Antigen presentation by MHC class I
Immune response - Bacterial infections in normal airways
Inhibitory action of lipoxin A4 on PDGF, EGF and LTD4 signaling
Inhibitory action of lipoxins and resolvin E1 on neutrophil functions
Inhibitory action of lipoxins on neutrophil migration
Inhibitory action of lipoxins on superoxide production in neutrophils
Mechanisms of CFTR activation by S-nitrosoglutathione (normal and CF)
Mucin expression in CF via IL-6, IL-17 signaling pathways
Mucin expression in CF via TLRs, EGFR signaling pathways
NO-dependent CFTR activation (normal and CF)
Normal wtCFTR traffic - ER-to-golgi
Normal wtCFTR traffic - Sorting endosome formation
Regulation of CFTR activity (norm and CF)
Regulation of CFTR gating (normal and CF)
Regulation of degradation of deltaF508 CFTR in CF
Regulation of degradation of wt-CFTR
Transport - Clathrin-coated vesicle cycle
wtCFTR and delta508 traffic - Clathrin coated vesicles formation (norm and CF)
wtCFTR and delta508-CFTR traffic - Generic schema (norm and CF)
wtCFTR and deltaF508 traffic - Late endosome and lysosome (norm and CF)
wtCFTR and deltaF508 traffic - Membrane expression (norm and CF)